Lidar Processing

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology used to measure light pulses to find the elevation of varying points on the earth's surface. Using highly innovative equipment, laser pulses are emitted from an aircraft. Calculations are made by measuring the time delay from the return signal to portray the shape of the target area's ground features.

LiDAR point collection is similar to acquiring aerial imageryand airborne global positioning systems (GPS). LiDAR systems are mounted inside the aircraft, and the system is guided by a pilot and a camera technician while flying the specified area. Ground survey crews collect ground points which are used to enhance the interpretation and accuracy of the LiDAR data.

United Geo Technologies (UGT) utilizes experienced and professional airborne LiDAR acquisition firms to capture the LiDAR data. UGT’s technicians are experienced with processing and interpreting the airborne LiDAR point clouds. UGT has worked on many geospatial LiDAR projects that include land development, planning and transportation - roadway work. UGT combines its decades of experience in three-dimensional aerial mapping with the highly detailed point cloud surveys to provide a variety of processed deliverables to include classified point clouds, bare earth surface terrain, digital surface models and planimetric extraction directly from the processed LiDAR to ensure ground feature matching to LiDAR elevations.

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